Frequently asked questions

If you need help, we have a list of frequently asked questions and answers. We strive to give you the best experience possible. Click a question below to view the answer.

On the Kynbo App map page, tap on the magnifying glass icon in the header.  Then just provide a cuisine type, a menu item, or even a certain ingredient in the search popup.  We'll show you what restaurants match your search criteria so you'll be able to fill your craving straight away.

Yes, you most certainly can.  If a restaurant supplies a photo of a menu item you'll see an eye icon next to the menu item name.  Just tap on the name or description of the item and the photo will appear.  Tap on them again to hide the photo.

Yes, you can.  From either the Map View, List View, or Menu Page you can tap on the heart icon in the restaurant header area.  The icon will turn from grey to red and white when the restaurant has been successfully favorited.  Tap on the heart again to remove the restaurant from your list of favorites.

You can tap the check mark icon next to the menu item name to mark an individual menu item as a favorite.  If the restaurant isn't already a favorite, the restaurant will be added to you favorites list as well.  We'll let the restaurant know that you've marked one of their items as a favorite so they can tailor rewards specifically for you.  If you'd like to remove a menu item fro your favorites, just tap on the check mark again and it will be removed.

If the restaurant has supplied photos of the restaurant's interior and/or exterior you can view them on the restaurant's menu page.  Look for the large eye icon in the lower left section of the header area.  Tap on the icon and the menu will be replaced by photos of the restaurant.  Tap on the icon again and the menu will return.

On the restaurant's menu page, tap on the information icon in the lower right portion of the header area.  More details about the restaurant will be displayed.  Yo can hide the info area by tapping the information icon again.

We handle connecting to the major online reservations systems like OpenTable, SeatMe, and Reserve.  If a restaurant takes online reservations you'll see a calendar icon the restaurant header area.  If you're on the Map Page you'll see the reservation icon in the upper middle of the header area.  If you're on the List Page or Menu Page you'll find the reservation icon in the upper right portion of the header area.  Just click on the reservation icon and we'll display the restaurant's online reservation page.

If a restaurant provides you with a reward, you'll receive a app notification letting you know about it.  You'll also be able to see your list of rewards by tapping on the 'Me' tab and then the 'Rewards' option.  You'll be able to see all of you're active rewards available to you.  You can filter the list by restaurant name by tapping on the restaurant name button at the top of the list.

You can redeem your rewards by presenting your server with the rewards screen.  The server will enter a special code unique to each restaurant to redeem the reward.  The server will then reflect the reward on your check accordingly.

You can filter your searches by clicking on the filter icon located on the left side of the app header on the Map Page.  You can apply a single filter or any combination of filters.  You can filter restaurants by if they have a special today, if they have photos of their menu items, if they have photos of the restaurant available, if they accept online reservations, and by what type of menus they offer.